Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Universal Ergonomics?

I don't know how it is at your public library, but at the public library closest to my home, the computer stations need a bit of an update. Admittedly, I rarely use the computer there since I have one at home, but I would dearly love for my community to have more comfortable experiences with internet usage.

Let me see if I can describe it for you. There are four or five (I'm ashamed to say I don't remember exactly) computers lined up on a folding table with plastic, institutional chairs to sit on. There are no dividers between the stations, and certainly not much room to stash your belongings/books, etc. The screens are positioned quite low, so much so that I (a vertically challenged individual) have to tilt the poor dinosaur of a monitor up to see the screen. Are you getting the picture?

I do feel obliged to add that "my" library has recently closed for renovations, and I am hopeful that a good portion of the budget will be spent on technological advances. And would it be too much to ask that they consider our comfort and health while they're at it? Is it even possible to create a computer station that is easily adjusted so it can be ergonomic for every user?

Here is a link to some general guidelines for ergonomics.

Obviously, some of the guidelines require that the user be aware of his/her own body, and no one would expect a "body mechanics police" to monitor library computer terminals. However, there are some things that should be the libraries' responsibility. For example, proper monitor distance, vertically adjustable screens, adjustable chairs and foot rests should be standard at any computer station.

Now, I feel I should mention that my seven years' experience as a Certified Massage Therapist has given me a unique perspective on ergonomics. I have seen/felt/heard a host of physical problems associated with computer use. Though this is certainly not an exhaustive list, the complaints range from frozen shoulder to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to Thoracic Outlet Syndrome to chronic headaches and neck pain. The severity of some symptoms can be managed with regular breaks and stretching. I like the list of stretches suggested in the above link, but I would be remiss as a CMT if I didn't also suggest pectoralis stretches. Here is a great link for stretching. But I digress...

To have a truly ergonomic workstation, each person should be visited by a certified ergonomics professional who then takes measurements and customizes the workstation to the individual's specifications. Obviously this is not an option at a public computer terminal. However, if the stations are adjustable, and if there is some kind of education (a poster, maybe?) on how to properly adjust them, I think universal ergonomics for libraries is a distinct possibility.


Patrick said...

I agree wholeheartedly about the standard setup of a lab, especially in a library setting. I think libraries are finally starting to realize that patrons are visiting for the computers more than ever. It is a good idea to accommodate them as far as I am concerned.

When I am on a computer in a public spot, I do not want someone breathing down my neck or looking at my screen. Privacy is a good thing, but how much should be given. If you create a little cocoon, who knows what type of things the user might be doing in it.

I also do not want to be uncomfortable and have my back kill me afterwards. After all, I am 6’4” and most chairs are a tad small for me. I have to bend over a bit at times and my neck is now starting to pay for that. It seems as if I have a permanent hunch in my neck from being so tall and trying to duck down under things…and I am not even that tall by today’s standards.

The onset of Carpal Tunnel is what I am afraid of. I have read about piano players as well as drummers getting this unfriendly condition. What would also be great is some sort of key board that is a tad larger for people with larger hands. I have quite some trouble using laptops keyboards. Imagine an NBA player doing that?

I think you brought up some great points. I do think that the only thing standing in the way is cost.

Marci said...

There are actually large keyboards for purchase. http://www.rjcooper.com/bigkeys/index.html It sounds like a great idea for libraries to have at least one station with a large keyboard.

Anonymous said...

I have to say Marci, that I eagerly went to YOUR blog as I've been having problems with carpal tunnel syndrome and back and nect spasms for the past couple of months....but I had never associated my setup at home with what local libaries have.

At home I have the larger keyboard and I just bought the special mouse with the large ball that you simply roll around...therefore keeping your wrists more stable...and this mouse has already made a difference! I had been diagnosed about 7 years ago with the Carpal Tunnel (shortly after I started using a computer) but it was found by accident whle verifying another condition. It never bothered me until just a couple of months ago and now I find out (at age 52) that I have degenerative arthrtis in my hands also. As our population ages,this will be of more concern to libraries who will hear the complaints from the patrons.

My next purchase will be one of those larger flat-screen monitors, partly sho it can be adjusted up and down (my poor husband is 6'4" to my 5'51/2") that hopefully will ease the spasms in my back and neck but...unfortuanately I have realized lately that I need the larger screen because my eyesight is worsening (oh, the joys of getting older!).

Then there is the furniture. Will someone please tell me WHY the office companies who make the chairs haven't come up with a deeply plush chair that has a leg rest on it? You know, like my favorite La-Z-Boy in the family room? Now I have two chairs in the office that I prop my legs up on while sitting in the other. Both uncomfortable but better than sitting hunched-over at the desk all day. But you know how to make this happen? But an expensive chair today....and one month later, someone will come out with the PERFECT chair....after of course,the period when you can return the first chair!

So libraries and librarians, please start considering us old boomers who are aging faster every year, and please get those work stations updated (at least a little) to help us out! You never know, we may leave some money to your library when we go to that great reading room in the sky!